710 The Cannabis Oil Holiday
This week’s blog post is from Herb Hightower’s column bringing together the cannabis community through strain reviews, tips and tricks, and industry updates.
710 Cannabis Holiday
Although 420 is more widely celebrated, 710 or 7/10 is all the craze right now and gaining in popularity daily. If you are like I used to be and only appreciated cannabis flower I have news for you, times are changing and I’m here to tell you they are changing for the better. I know I know flower is still king in the cannabis industry but oil products, like dabs, extracts and concentrates, offer a new age of cannabis consumption providing discreetness, ease of use, and higher potency than traditional flower.
Herb Hightower is again setting you up for success with a new blog centered around cannabis oil and another cannabis industry holiday.
What Is 710?
So, what in the world is 710? Well, 710 originates from the date of July 10th. If you turn 710 upsides down it spells OIL as in cannabis oil. The creator of 710 is unknown but some say a music artist originally came up with the holiday. Either way, with every day having a designated holiday attached to it including Chocolate, the cannabis industry is happy to have another holiday to celebrate in addition to 420.
Why Is 710 Different From 420?
420 is more of an all-around celebration of the cannabis we all know and love absent of a manner of consumption. Meanwhile, 710 is solely focused on hash oil, extracts, concentrates, and dabs!
First-Time Guide For 710
Cannabis oil although certainly mainstream is still growing in popularity. If you’ve never tried oil then there is no better day than 710 to give it a shot. Oil, extracts, concentrates, and dabs are what make up the cannabis oil category and these products can come in all shapes, sizes, and consistency. If you’re into it but don’t know how to get started, the High Level Health budtenders have all the answers. Come visit with our friendly staff and ask any questions you’ve always wanted to but haven’t yet uncovered. We also have a blog centered around cannabis concentrates to get you started. But, since dabbing is such a big part of 710 then let’s cover that process next.
The Dabbing Process
If you are new to dabbing it might seem really intense and even eerily similar to consuming other, less legal drugs. However, dabbing is really not that complex at all. Instead of using a lighter to ignite cannabis and then inhale, dabbing involves placing your chosen form of oil, shatter, wax, and extracts popular versions, on a metal nail or ceramic surface made for this purpose. Then using a terp pen, vaporizer, or one of the many options we are now so amazingly afforded, heat the surface to release the cannabinoids and then inhale. It’s as simple as that.
Why Dab Is The Preferred Consumption?
Terpheads unite! Jump on the slippery oil bandwagon because there are amazing Terpene profiles that come with the various forms of oil. Terpenes are the primary constituents of essential oils and house the aroma characteristics of cannabis. So, if you’re into the smell and taste of cannabis then terpenes are your jam, and oil is loaded with intense flavors and aromas not as front-forward as those within flower.
Visiting Your Local High Level Health Dispensary
As we prepare for the best 7/10 yet, premium cannabis is needed to appreciate the holiday as it is intended. High Level Health in both Michigan and Colorado produces the most-awarded cannabis in their respective states. So, come visit any of our eight dispensaries where our budtenders are ready to answer all your questions and put the best marijuana in your hands for this amazing holiday.
710 Cannabis Oil Deals
Check out Weedmaps, through these links, for our 7/10 holiday deals in both Michigan and Colorado.
Oil for all,
Herb Hightower
Herb Hightower is a freelance writer, and cannabis connoisseur reporting on all things cannabis for High Level Health.